The fastest growing online poker brand in the industry, 888poker has over 10 million registered members the world over and hundreds of ‘Play Money’ tables. EGR Award Winner Winner of Socially Responsible Operator of the Year Awards and EGR Best Poker Operator three years in a row, 888poker is the most trusted name in online poker. Dec 29, 2012 Re: 888 - Why is my account blocked? OK, just tried to log into my 888 acc after I wrote them another email 3 days ago with the request of an update. I didnt get any reply until now but all of the sudden I can log into my 888 account again.
888 Poker Unable To Connect 2018
Why Can't I Connect to 888poker?
- In some cases, you will not be able to connect to 888poker if your computer is using a Firewall or Proxy Server. Consult your Network Administrator, NSP (Network Service Provider) or ISP (Internet Service Provider) support service or use another connection.
- If a connection error has occurred, please try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, please use the 'Contact Us' link to notify us.
- You might have been temporarily disconnected from the server, which may be due to Internet connection problems.

Why Can't I Find the '888poker' Icon on My Windows Desktop?
If the '888poker' icon is not on your Windows desktop and you can't remember where you saved it, please follow these steps:
888 Poker Wont Connect
- Press on the 'Start' menu at the bottom left corner of your screen;
- Choose 'Search' and then 'For Files or Folders';
- Where it asks for the file 'Name', enter '888poker.exe' (without the quotation marks) and then press 'Find Now';
- The computer will now search for the file;
- If you receive a file named '888poker.exe' under the 'Name' or 'Search Results' section, in the white window, it means the file was found. Double click on it;
- If the computer has finished the search and there is no such file in the window, it means that the file was not found. In this case (if you do not have a hard drive other than [C:]), you should repeat the download process.
For assistance with this, or any of your other online gaming needs, please click here to contact us.